subscriber list

Hello this is Charlotte – If you have not heard from me in a while or wonder why you are hearing from me at all, it’s because my subscribers list disappeared from one day to the next.

I am having to rebuild it from scratch using my list of contacts and previous emails.

Charlotte Puckette, in the kitchen

If you do not want to receive my latest post, I toooooootaly understand. We all get a lot of emails. Just send me a quick note ( and I will take you off the list. I definitely don’t  want to send you anything you don’t want.

Otherwise I hope you enjoy receiving my posts (and please pass the link to family and friends!). My latest recipes have focused on cozy cooking (for contemporary confinement) – food to nourish our bodies and souls…some are quick to make, like Fast and Easy India-Spiced Curry for when you realise it’s almost 8 and you haven’t started dinner and others such as the Macadamia Nut Tart are a little more elaborate to take your time with when you want to make something special.   


I hope this finds all of you safe and well. Wishing you all the very best in the weeks ahead!


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